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School: Western Kentucky University
Subject: EDU
Number: 250
Professor: Not Specified
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Good  Powell, Patsy
Teaching  EDU 250  6:46:00 AM 5/10/2003
Poor  Schliefer
Teacher Education  EDU 250  10:11:08 PM 4/8/2002
Good  Kiraly, John
Read This Evaluation!  EDU 250  11:24:51 PM 1/11/2004
OK  Cooksey, Elizabeth
Introduction To Teaching Education  EDU 250  1:27:19 AM 4/24/2007
Good  Buckley, Starla
Introduction To Teaching  EDU 250  11:48:35 AM 5/13/2008
Poor  Drage, Karen
Introduction To Teaching  EDU 250  12:57:52 AM 5/7/2005
Poor  Dexter, Harold
Introduction To Teaching  EDU 250  11:07:45 PM 8/8/2004
Poor  Cooksey, Elizabeth
Introduction To Teacher's Education  EDU 250  4:30:11 PM 10/28/2008
Poor  Huss, Jeanine
Introduction To Teacher Education  EDU 250  12:11:13 PM 5/7/2010
Good  Daniel, Tabitha
Introduction To Teacher Education  EDU 250  11:24:45 AM 4/26/2010
OK  Cooksey, Elizabeth
Introduction To Teacher Education  EDU 250  9:04:29 AM 12/14/2005
Good  Gandy, Kay
Introduction To Teacher Education  EDU 250  7:39:40 PM 3/10/2005
Good  Gandy, Stephanie K.
Introduction To Teacher Education  EDU 250  9:36:00 PM 10/19/2004
Good  Gandy, Stephanie K
Introduction To Teacher Education  EDU 250  9:13:27 PM 5/20/2004
Good  Buckley, Starla
Introduction To Teacher Education  EDU 250  4:55:43 PM 5/12/2003
Good  Lobdell, Jim
Introduction to Teacher Ed.  EDU 250  3:38:42 PM 4/14/2000
Good  Huss, Jenine
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  9:50:57 PM 12/19/2010
Good  Cooksey, E
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  3:12:40 PM 5/20/2009
Good  Huss, J
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  7:40:22 PM 11/10/2008
Good  Stobaugh, Rebecca
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  5:52:54 PM 1/17/2008
Good  Janette, Ralston
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  4:38:39 PM 1/3/2007
Good  Cooksey, Elizabeth
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  1:36:40 PM 5/4/2005
Poor  Davison, Judy
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  11:31:11 PM 1/10/2004
Good  Dexter, Harold
Introduction To Education  EDU 250  10:39:37 PM 12/8/2003
Poor  Kacer, Barbara
Introduction to education  EDU 250  8:53:09 PM 5/8/2001
Viewing 1 - 25 of 142 [ Next ]
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