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General Information
Professor: KAY HOLLEY
Course: HS 101
Course Title: Nutrition And Wellbeing
Student Grade: B
Post Date: 8:54:34 PM 11/7/2003
Overall Rating: Good Good
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[ New Search ] Professor: HOLLEY
[ New Search ] Course: HS 101


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
Yes True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
No Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Moderate
Additional Comments
I was pleased with this class overall. One student posted that she seemed disorganized, and complained about the final test day. It is true that she gave us the last test, in addition to the final on the same day, but, she let the class decide as to whether or not this was done. The CLASS chose to do the testing this way. She stated when she got to class that she had some problem with the copying of the exam (i believe she went to the local copy shop that morning and they failed to complete her order.) Even though a few students waited, I stayed well after the allotted time, and she was still there. (I would say at least 30 minutes after the allotted time.) I felt Mrs. Holley to be a very good teacher; and I know I learned a great deal from her class. She made the material relevant to every day life, and was open to any questions about any material that may have seemed unclear. I think if any students had 'trouble' with her, it was because they were not paying attention in class or were not there, and it is because of that that they were surprised by anything on the tests, or the way the tests were distributed. If you approach this class like any other, and show up, listen, take notes, and study you will do fine.  

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