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General Information
Professor: James Baker
Course: HIST 120
Course Title: Western Civ. Since 1648
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 12:22:22 AM 4/16/2005
Overall Rating: Good Good
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[ New Search ] Professor: Baker
[ New Search ] Course: HIST 120


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Exam Information
Exam Content: No Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: No
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: No
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Easy
Additional Comments
LISTEN UP! For all those who gave Dr. Baker good reviews, I couldn't agree with you more; for all those who gave him bad reviews, well.... politely put, you're wrong!!! I know history is tough for many people. For some, you just need either 119 or 120 and you never need to take another history class the rest of your life, so naturally, you'd like the one you take to be enjoyable. With that being said, I think 120 with Dr. Baker was one of the most enjoyable classes I've had at WKU. Here's how the class lays out: there are 4 exams; the first 2 worth 10% and the last 2 worth 15%. The final is NOT cumulative and is just over the last section of material covered. They are all identification and essay. You have about 12-15 terms, names and events to pick from explaining 8 of them. The first 7 are IDs and are worth 10 pts. The eighth is an "essay" and is worth 30, thus 100 pts per exam. I had the class on MWF, and every other class period there was a quiz over 1 chapter. This may seem like a lot to many to have to read, but trust me, I'm a history major and this is NOTHING compared to upper level classes!!! Each chapter is only about 15 pages or so. There are 5 questions on each quiz, and much of the time, he gives you bonus questions and this is how you accumulate extra credit for the class. Make sure you AT LEAST skim each chapter. Quizzes are 20% of your grade. Next is "classwork." This consists of participation and attendace which is 10% of your grade. In a way, attendance is required, but he doesn't actually take roll. If you want, you can just come on the days that there are quizzes and exams. Try to participate in the conversations because he remembers who tries and who doesn't! Also, as an added tidbit, don't show up late because he closes the door and doesn't allow people in after he has started class! Finally, the last 20% of your grade is an essay. You are required to buy his book on Andrew Carnegie and you will spend a few days reading and discussing it. Then, you have to write an essay over the book in class. Personally, I would suggest coming to class everyday, or at least everyday that you can make it, and paying attention. That's how I learned most of the material. Take reasonable notes because he seems to emphasize the things he lectures on, in the exams. I just read my notes, and then re-emphasized them by looking them up in the book. I never spent more than an hour studying for these exams. The LOWEST grade I made on the 4 exams was a 94 and I made an A- on the essay. Dr. Baker is a GREAT lecturer and is very interesting and entertaining. He knows all the main stuff plus little odd-and-end things that make you want to learn more. I would highly suggest this professor for history 120!  

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