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General Information
Professor: John Bruni
Course: PSY 201
Course Title: Statistics/experimental Psy
Student Grade: B
Post Date: 1:22:53 PM 12/22/2004
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Bruni
[ New Search ] Course: PSY 201


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
Yes True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
Yes Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
I can say without any exaggeration that Bruni is the worst teacher I have had in my entire schooling career. My biggest complaint is his teaching style. The material is extremely difficult, but he somehow expects us to already know a lot of it. He uses bizarre logic and off-the-wall examples that only he seems to understand whenever he is teaching. He then goes around the room and picks on people and humiliates them if they don't get the material. His tests are beyond difficult; they're just plain ridiculous. His questions are extremely vague and if you don't know exactly what he's talking about then you're screwed. He may allow students to use books and notes for the test, but it doesn't really help. He'll just ask questions straight out of his head that aren't in the books or notes, so there's really no way that students can find the answers. I took one of the tests with a partner using the notes and book and it took me 4 hours. I did the same thing for the final and it took me 6 and a half hours! For just a 200 level class, that is absurd. Then there's the experimental project that you have to do. I can't recall how many hours our group spent on this thing, probably well over 60 hours total. In the couple of weeks before the presentation, be prepared to spend several hours EVERY DAY working on it. Even if you think it's perfect, Bruni will still find something wrong with it. During the presentation, Bruni will drill you with questions and if you don't know the answer, then he'll make you feel worthless while you're standing there. I've heard him tell one group that their experiment was worthless and that they have no point in doing it. He really enjoys making people feel worthless merely for his own personal pleasure. I guess the only "good" point about him is that he can be funny at times, but it's usually at the expense of a student in the class. Avoid this class at all costs. If you must take this class, do not try to work a job because this class requires about 50-70% of your time outside class. Also, do not take any other hard classes and don't take more than 12 hours TOTAL during the semester. And most of all, be prepared to work hard.  

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