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General Information
Professor: Jeff Butterfield
Course: CIS 347
Course Title: Networking
Student Grade: B
Post Date: 1:58:23 PM 2/15/2001
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Butterfield
[ New Search ] Course: CIS 347


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
Yes Matching
Yes True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
Yes Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Not Specified
Other Information
Textbook Required: Not Specified
Extra Credit Available: No
Attendance Required: No
Quantity of Notes: Overkill
Difficulty: Moderate
Additional Comments
First of all to the person who is trying to use html in your post, you can't use html here. Also if you think Butterfield is a good teacher, umm you are wrong. I realize you can't help that you know nothing about computers and computer related topics and that is why you think everything he says is correct, but you will soon learn that everything, oops nearly everything he says is useless and if it is not useless it is wrong. For starters, if you can find me one IT professional that uses a lab manual I would like to talk to him and tell him he is stupid. There is much better and more information on the internet. Why waste your time writing up what you have done a book that is impossible to read because you are writing in tiny squares. The reason he has you do this is probably because when he was in school he had to do one and he still thinks people use them now. It was probably a pretty good idea when he got his degree considering the internet was in its birth phase. Second, he makes you memorize a bunch of useless history crap. When doing any of the following, administering a network, setting up a network, designing a network, installing Windows, Linux, Novell or a number of other network related topics does knowing anything about the eniac or punch cards come into play. Who invented the combustion engine? I don't know either but we use them everyday in our cars. Just think about, why do you need to learn something that you don't need to know. Third, during one of the labs we were required to make a network cable. I think was a great lab, I mean would have been a great lab if Butterfield would have instructed the students to make it in the proper manner. When I inquired about what order to put the wires in he said "It doesn't matter as long as they are the same on both ends". Wrong again. It does matter, if you want to do more than make a light flash on a cheap tester. There are two basic wiring standards, they are 568a and 568b. If you don't use one of them you will be lucky if it works and if it does work it probably won't work good and I can guarantee it will not test out cat5. He went on an on about the pairs being twisted and so forth, well its done for a reason. I inquired about this one day and he said "lets face it, how many students will actually being making network cables"? Well first if we aren't going to be making them why teach how to make them, second that does not justify teaching incorrectly, and third I know several network engineers, administrators and designers that make cables all of the time. If you are lucky and don't have to make them it is still necessary to know how to make them for trouble shooting reasons. Well I am tired of typing about endless reasons on why this is the worst teacher ever, but if you have anymore questions please post them at "[email protected]" You are in the same boat as nearly all students are. Just because he has a so called "PHD" and can talk over your head doesn't mean he knows everything.  

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