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General Information
Professor: Jeff Butterfield
Course: CIS 247
Course Title: Networking
Student Grade: D
Post Date: 10:26:20 AM 1/21/2001
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Butterfield
[ New Search ] Course: CIS 247


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
No Essay
Yes Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Not Specified
Other Information
Textbook Required: Not Specified
Extra Credit Available: No
Attendance Required: No
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Moderate
Additional Comments
This teacher is by far my least favorite teacher at Western. First of all his attitude toward students is that we (students) are stupid and un-educated and know nothing about anything. I might not have a p.h.d. in engineering, but I am not stupid. He mostly talks about meaningless topics like "when was windows invented?", that only gives an impression to people that he knows what he is talking about, but to those who do know what they are talking about know that it makes no difference who invented windows, were it was invented, or how it was invented. Most of his knowledge is in meaningless topics that give him a perception of brilliants. He can talk all day long about theories, but when you ask him about something he can only tell you what he memorized out of a text book, not how it really is or how it really works. You don't want to be an inconvenience, that's bad news for him and he doesn't like. That means make sure you go to see him during his two office hours he has during the week and you might want to call before you go because he might not be there then either. Forget about turning in assignments a little late, that's an inconvenience, he won't take them, not even with a doctors excuse. Don't even think about taking the final at a different time. He says that "The final schedule is fixed for your protection", it didn't make any since to me either and I found it insulting. I don't understand why he doesn't just say "it would be an inconvenience to me if I allowed you to take the final at another time and I don't like inconveniences so that is why you can't take it at another time." Lab books, while completing my labs I had flashbacks of being in grade school. He makes you cut and past screen shots and cut out pretty little pictures from "Trade Magazines" into a lab book. I think he forgot that we are dealing with computers not engineering when he made us do that. People don't use lab books in the computer field. They use computers, DUH. Make sure you use a glue stick to, anything else just makes it look bad. Even though the glue seeps to the edges of the pictures and causes the pages to stick together. I really don't understand why we made these because there are much better manuals and tutorials out on the web. He is also extremely picky and very subjective when it comes to grading these books. Make sure you cut out every screen shot and write down every mouse click. Don't expect more than a B- even if you spent tons of time on it. He can always find something wrong with, if he couldn't find anything wrong with it then that would make you smart, don't forget he is superior. The labs are also extremely useless. During one lab we had to setup dialpad, umm I have no idea what the usefulness of that was. I'm sure that he could make up something though. Also we had to make a coax cable. No one works with coax in the computer field unless you are pulling out of walls to throw it away. If you know anything about computers and networking you will find many of his lectures full of misleadings and falsifications. He doesn't know the difference between what was going on ten years ago and now and if you try to ask him about it he makes up a bunch of crap and then changes the topic. He also takes the notes and announcements off of the class webpage after a short period of time. He said that he did this because he didn't want to reward people who didn't come to class. That doesn't make since to me either. Another thing I don't understand, if he is so smart why is he teaching, he should be able to double his salary if he goes out to the real world. He is also extremely paranoid. He protects his machine like it has plans to rule the world on it. There are all sorts of anti-virus programs and firewalls' running on it, that is probably while he has to restart it five times a day. He hates Microsoft for this reason even though it is his own lack of knowledge that causes his computer not to work. If you don't know anything about computers don't worry, you will never notice any of his faults and you should be able to pass his class with ease, but don't let him fool you.  

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