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General Information
Professor: Patsy Powell
Course: EDU 465
Course Title: Senior Project
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 5:37:54 PM 5/3/2004
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Powell
[ New Search ] Course: EDU 465


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
Yes Matching
Yes True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
Yes Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: No
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: No
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Moderate
Additional Comments
Mrs. Powell talks to you like you are in Kindergarten. She only gives "non-examples" of assignments, so if you need to see how it is done correctly, you may want to find someone who has already completed the class. She is very rude, and makes comments about students in front of entire class. She requires that you stay after class if you have a question about anything, rather than taking up the class time to answer it. The last month and a half of her class were spent doing PowerPoint Presentations the entire 2 hour class period--so that she might avoid having to teach. I learned absolutly nothing from her--as she did not know the material herself. I would highly recommend taking another teacher--preferably a professor.  

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