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General Information
Professor: Scott Dobler
Course: GEOG
Course Title: World Regional Geography
Student Grade: B
Post Date: 12:52:51 AM 11/19/2010
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Dobler
[ New Search ] Course: GEOG


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
No Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Not Specified
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Not Specified
Attendance Required: Not Specified
Quantity of Notes: Not Specified
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
After reading a few of the evaluations I definitely agree with anyone who says this guy is a horrible professor. First of all he acts like whatever he says is gold and whatever you say doesn't matter. For example, if you ask a question he doesn't even answer it, actually he usually completely dismisses it like you didn't even ask it and then he goes into a complete lecture over something that wasn't even mentioned. Do not expect to get the needed material in class because he doesn't give it to you at all, yes he does have powerpoints but he flies through them and will not give you the time to copy them. Also, you must must must have your book to even come close to passing because he will have you read it "cover to cover" (his exact words)! Also, as said in another evaluation he gives a TON of unnecessary work! For example, every week you must read the new york times and write a paper over the five themes of geography from that article. No that may not seem too bad but when you have quizzes to study for (that are every class period almost and are really hard to do good on) map quizzes to memorize and chapters to read it takes up a lot of your time. And another thing about the quizzes, they are open note, but its hard to go off your notes if you don't have any to go off of. I haven't finished the semester yet but I'm hoping I get a b or a high c out of this class and let me tell you that it is a huge struggle to get that. If you get an A in this class you must not have a life or you LOVEEE geography. I'm sorry this was so long but I just want everyone to know what they are getting themselves into if they choose this professor! Please do yourself the favor and take a different one.  

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