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General Information
Professor: Michelle Hollis
Course: MATH 109
Course Title: Mathematics, A Practical Odyssey
Student Grade: Not Specified
Post Date: 2:00:48 AM 5/6/2005
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Hollis
[ New Search ] Course: MATH 109


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Exam Information
Exam Content: No Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
No Essay
Yes Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Moderate
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
The title of this and the required book are very misleading. We started out with approx. 30 students (every seat was taken) and prior to midway of the class there were only 17 still enrolled. The instructor had good notes to share but once she had gone over a problem and gave 2 examples she asked for questions and then responded in a negative matter making everyone realize that she expected us be able to solve problems as if we had as much training and education as she had. There were 2 students that were from other countries and she really gave them problems. They spoke American quite well but had a problem with the concept of the problems in class. The instructor would make comments that were demining and quite plainly did not care if they got it or not. One of these students ended up dropping the class. The other student stuck it out but the week before the final there was a quiz/test and her calculator quit working correctly and she asked to borrow the instructors calculator to which the instructor said no. This student was left to calculate the problems by hand and they are quite involved and contain large numbers with up to 8 digits after the decimal place. This student was literally crying in class. Attendance was only taken when a student was not present who was not in her click of student/teacher activities which were held on campus. One student was having personal problems and totally forgot to turn off her cell phone and it rang during class. Mrs. Hollis immediately said that the class would have a phone quiz the next class meeting. After class this student went to Mrs. Hollis and apologized for the phone not being turned off and for it ringing. In tears, the student requested that the Mrs. Hollis take points from her next opportunity or homework or even have her take a quiz but asked not to punish the other students because of her leaving her cell phone on. Mrs. Hollis stood her ground in regards to the rules about cell phones going off during class and the class took a phone quiz. The person who had the phone ring during class attended the class to take the phone quiz and then missed several classes. Mrs. Hollis' handling of this matter totally pushed this already stressed (personally and in regards to the class) student over the edge. She was unable to attend any of her classes for a little over 2 weeks. When she returned to class, after being a shut-in because of the ordeal, Mrs. Hollis informed her that because she had missed more than 3 classes either she would have to drop the class, accept an "F" for a grade, or change the class to an audit. I know for a fact that this student e-mailed Mrs. Hollis explaining why she was missing class and that due to an extremely difficult divorce and stress that certain things such as this event would push her past the point of being able to function and caused her to literally become ill and causes her to become a recluse. This student, against advice of other students, did change the status of the class to "Audit". From this point forward, there were another 4 cell phones that rang during class and Mrs. Hollis did not submit anyone to another phone quiz. The lady that sat at the table right in front of Mrs. Hollis had taken a test, as did everyone else, and when she turned it in, Mrs. Hollis told her she failed to calculate one of the problems and that would cause her to have it marked as missed/incorrect. She gave the student the test back and allowed her to correct the error. She did not do this for anyone else during the entire time that the class met. Certain people would be late for class 15 minutes or more and they were not marked absent. These same students would come to class other times and leave after being in class only 20 to 30 minutes with no penalities The same lady who sat in front oof Mrs. Hollis' table got the sign in sheet (the only one we had all semister) and handed it to a friend of hers who had come in at about 12:15. The student signed the list and Mrs. Hollis never said a word to her about being late. On this date the lady who sat next to me and is in the nursing program had a sick child and missed class and that was the only reason why she had an attendance sign in sheet. Mrs. Hollis certainely made sure everone was aware of the attendance policy but she herself missed 6 classes and certainely did not enforce the policy when it came to everyones attendance.. She forgot her notes on several occassions and had difficulty working the problems on the board but made students feel inadequate when it came to questions about problems in homework and on opportunities. It is because of the things that happened and have stated above that causes me to rate Mrs. Hollis as the instructor not to take because of her unfairness when it comes to the class as a whole. Because of her actions, lack of concern for some students, and chosing to make me an example of one of her policies while not doing so with others, that I have a very poor opinion of Mrs. Hollis, her favoritism towards some students, and her lack of helping those who are having difficulties with the class. I sincerely feel for those students who will have her in the future and for those who have had her in the past. I saw first hand how the Dean at Bowling Green Community College and Mrs. Hollis have a close bond. I know that there would be no fairness when taking matters concerning Mrs. Hollis and her students to the Dean. Other instructors and students have said the same thing about the relationship with Mrs. Hollis and the Dean (Shirley). I hope the experiences I have shared will help students when chosing instructors where Mrs. Hollis is one of the choices. This experience has left a scar with me and I have suffered emotionally and this has all effected my school record and desire to continue with my education. It is a shame that Mrs. Hollis is allowed to continue as an instructor who performs in this manner.  

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