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General Information
Professor: Judy Judith Burke
Course: ENG 1060
Course Title: Academic Literature Ii
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 3:35:28 AM 11/17/2018
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Burke
[ New Search ] Course: ENG 1060


Evaluate This Professor

Exam Information
Exam Content: No Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: Yes
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Overkill
Difficulty: Not Specified
Additional Comments
Professor Judy Burke is deceitful, destructive, unorganized, incompetent, , indecisive, rude, and overall a poor Professor.She fails to operate within range of acceptable college standard.
To begin, this record was made to inform Oakland County that Professor Judy L. Burke is a danger to college.
She is dangerously destroying College reputation. She is robbing the school of supplies, she prints, personal documents, in bulk quantities for gains unrelated to the college or course study. In addition to stealing school supplies; Judy is robbing the students. Students have been robbed of their tuition, course supplies, credit time and overall skills. Such academic skills should be introduced, reviewed, practiced, and established. Students that have been affected by the poisonous Professor will struggle to move forward in college and future careers.
Professor Burke causes great confusion to course work and changes assignment requirements more often than the weather, that continuously fluctuates in the state of Michigan. Burke is deceitful, she manipulates faculty and students. She is unreliable she has dismissed multiple classes early for her own convenience.
She lies. If there is a problem she will NEVER accept the blame. Even when things are evident to her own fault. She fabricates accreditation and boasts about false achievements. She is a pathological liar. She lies for her own interest or enjoyment. A conversation came up regarding an MLA citation format question – she did not know the answer. She blamed MLA for continuously updating each week. And excused herself from the investigation. A few students figured out the answer and she joined back in the conversation stating that she is the reason MLA fixed that rule because she emailed them about her concern, three times and they fixed it. SHE IS RIDICULOUSLY ARROGANT.
Professor Burke is incompetent and not fit for her current employment. She has technical difficulty. Burke requested her students send projects assignments and final papers to a gmail address she made up, she then deleted the account and created another one slightly different and continues to mark student down if they use the college provided resources. She claims that the format will be construed if documents are sent via the school network. BUT the school network is the same gmail platform of which she requests us to send papers from. What the heck is she doing? I am unsure.
There is still one month till the end of the semester and she has purposely whittled the class down purposely recommending students to drop the class.. This past week she has came in with a (highly unlikely) broken arm her story alternated and grew with diagnosis as the class hour progressed. This “injury” will prevent her from typing easily. According to her surgery will be in the summer.
The unfortunate students who have had her as a professor this semester are due to full refund or replacement course without fees. Professor Burke seriously digs and burrows her students further away from academic goals, while other professors build their students up, and help to instill an educational foundation to build further college and career on. She invented her own English grammar rules and created rubrics and outline examples that are not clear. She has no idea. She has not prepared for the course she has not read the text.
If you’re somewhat educated you are aware of the many flaws in the organization pattern to provide clear and concise examples to prove my argument. It is evident that I have declined in my academic ability because of Professor Judy L. Burke.

Overall – I do not recommend her, I feel bad for her. And I will bring attention to the board and Dean with my concerns. Hopefully every student will receive the academic Literature course they paid for.

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