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General Information
Professor: Patricia Minter
Course: HIST 241
Course Title: U.s. History Since 1865
Student Grade: A
Post Date: 12:09:54 PM 5/11/2004
Overall Rating: Good Good
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Exam Information
Exam Content: No Multiple Choice
No Matching
No True/False
No Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: No
Other Information
Textbook Required: No
Extra Credit Available: Not Specified
Attendance Required: Not Specified
Quantity of Notes: Overkill
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments
Dr. Minter suggests buying the textbook as a supplement to her class, but it is not necessary if you take good notes. There are four other books (The Jungle, Coming of Age in Mississippi, Plunkett of Tammany Hall, and Confronting Southern Poverty in the Great Depression) required for the course as well as Primus, a primary document reader. There were three five-page essays assigned throughout the semester and each one counts as 15% of your grade. I have to admit that she is a difficult grader, so the typical BS that usually works on essays is useless in this class. Also, make sure your papers are as grammatically correct as they are historically correct. There are six films required for the class too, and most last about two hours. There are four viewing times offered for each film. They seem to get more and more interesting as the semester goes on. There is a midterm and a final. Each counts as 20% of your grade. The first part involves indentification of significant terms or events. The second part is either two or three essays. You will be completely screwed if you did not read the books, Primus, or see the movies because the key to the essays is being able to back your statements with real evidence. The last 15% of your grade is based on attendance and class participation. This includes movie and book quizzes (which are really easy if you have done the work). The nice thing about Dr. Minter is that she grades on improvement, and doesn't let those first grades ruin you for the semester. The class is a shock to many, especially when you get that first paper and test back, but she is willing to help you improve if you just take the time to talk with her. If you know you're not going to do the work for this class, then don't take it. It's a waste of your time (and now money) to have to drop it or take it over after you fail. But if you are willing to do the work, you will learn a lot from Dr. Minter and feel more accomplished than you do following most other classes.  

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