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General Information
Professor: Nilesh Sharma
Course: BIOL 222
Course Title: Plant Biol & Diversity
Student Grade: F
Post Date: 2:07:08 PM 12/8/2006
Overall Rating: Poor Poor
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[ New Search ] Professor: Sharma
[ New Search ] Course: BIOL 222


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Exam Information
Exam Content: Yes Multiple Choice
No Matching
Yes True/False
Yes Fill in the Blank
Yes Essay
No Problem Solving
Mandatory Final: Yes
Cumulative Final: Yes
Other Information
Textbook Required: Yes
Extra Credit Available: No
Attendance Required: Yes
Quantity of Notes: Overkill
Difficulty: Difficult
Additional Comments

I'm not paying Western for this quality of teaching!

Your grade consists of 4 tests and the cumulative final, all worth the same amount. No homework, no extra credit, nothing else.

Each class period consists of Mr. Sharma lecturing while quickly clicking through a powerpoint presentation. The students must furiously copy these notes as fast as they can, and often ask him to "go back" so they can actually get all the notes. But while this is going on, he is still lecturing, but he's from India and he's difficult to understand in the first place. I often didn't catch what he was saying. He wouldn't take the feedback from the class a a cue either. When he would ask us a question about what he was talking about, no one could begin to answer. We would just look at each other blankly, until he would answer the question himself and go on. We weren't getting it - he didn't care. It also drove me crazy how he would say "and now you all understand that," after the end of a slide. We didn't "understand it" after 2 minutes of furiously copying notes, sorry!

The tests do NOT reflect the amount of time spent on each topic in class. In a few seconds he would breeze by a topic, and on the test he might expect a full diagram drawn with all the parts labeled and explained, or a detailed description in essay form. There were often 10 or more diagrams in a chapter, so you'd either have to memorize them all, or just hope for the best. And there were so many topics you'd might to know in "detail" to adequately answer on the test, it was luck if you studied the right ones.

Several of us practically begged him to post his powerpoint notes on Blackboard, or email them to us, or anything of the like, but he repeatedly refused, without giving us a reason. I suspect he felt that we wouldn't show up for class if we already had the notes, since there were only ten of us in the class. Either that, or he doesn't know how to use Blackboard to start with. But even if both of those were true, he could've still emailed us the notes and *kept attendance* if he wanted us to show up.

He also refused to give us any kind of review, or review sheet. He said that the information he presented was too broad to break it down into manageable segments, and basically that we were just to know everything in the chapter. We finally did convince him to give us a "review," which he promised to give the the day before the test. Low and behold, on that day he gave us a normal lecture, piling more information onto the stuff that would be on the test, and at the end of class he said "Oh, sorry, no time for review," and we had to leave.

On the day OF the test, in a fifty-five minute class period, he decided he would give us a "review" right before the test. He said he'd give us the "summary of the summary" of the information we were to know for the test, to make it short. So he ran slide after slide by us, so fast that it was impossible to get anything from it... but it still took FORTY minutes to go through it all and by the time he was through with his "summary of the summary," there were only 15 minutes left for us to take the test...

And he gave it to us anyway! I failed it, miserably.

As you can see, I failed the class. I've NEVER failed a class before. I know some of my classmates did better than me, and that's fine, because I know they probably worked their butts off and deserve better than an F. But unless you want to deal with this horrible situation yourself, AVOID this teacher.

And Western, I'm disappointed that you would hire someone who can't teach any better than this.  

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