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School: Western Kentucky University
Subject: HIST
Number: 120
Professor: Not Specified
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Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  8:03:52 AM 4/21/2000
OK  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  5:03:17 PM 4/17/2001
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
History 120  HIST 120  4:02:25 PM 4/20/2001
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
History 120  HIST 120  10:42:07 PM 4/29/2001
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since...  HIST 120  8:45:28 PM 5/31/2001
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
�  HIST 120  4:08:37 PM 10/14/2001
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
West. Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  1:50:23 PM 8/19/2002
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  1:52:34 PM 8/19/2002
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ. Since ...  HIST 120  10:24:35 PM 12/13/2002
OK  Abbott, Kathryn
Intro To Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  12:02:58 AM 12/18/2002
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  10:18:34 AM 1/6/2003
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ. From 1648  HIST 120  11:07:21 AM 1/11/2003
OK  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  12:03:45 AM 4/16/2003
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ. Since 1648  HIST 120  10:45:38 PM 10/23/2003
OK  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ  HIST 120  12:53:03 PM 10/31/2003
OK  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  1:16:13 PM 12/11/2003
OK  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civilization Since  HIST 120  1:59:25 PM 1/12/2004
OK  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  7:01:42 PM 1/22/2004
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  1:22:12 PM 10/24/2004
Good  Abbott, Kathryn
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  3:35:09 PM 1/5/2005
Good  Andrew, Duffin
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  12:49:09 PM 4/17/2008
Good  Baird, Nancy
Westren Civ, since 1648  HIST 120  10:05:00 AM 5/5/2000
OK  Baird, Nancy
Western Civ Since 1648  HIST 120  11:07:25 PM 5/15/2005
Good  Baker
Western Civ. before 1648  HIST 120  7:43:45 PM 4/13/2000
OK  Baker
  HIST 120  10:49:47 AM 12/23/2005
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